Center for Reproductive Health

Extreme Contraceptive Method Mix in Indonesian Provinces: Contributing Factors and Consequences

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By: Center for Reproductive Health and Center for Health Policy and Management
Contraceptive Method Mix usually interpreted as a measure of the extent to which women and couples have access to a wide range of contraceptive methods. Extreme skewness of methods mixes are often taken as an indication that women/couples in a given country or sub-national area are not being provided access to a wide range of contraceptive options for one reason or another. Four (4) provinces had skewed method mixes dominated by a single method (i.e., 60% or more) – Aceh, South Sumatra, West Kalimantan and NTB. It was caused by two potential factors: (1) informed choice (or lack thereof) among family planning clients and (2) service disruptions caused by stock-outs of contraceptive commodities .
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