Community Service
Our active research in reproductive health is paving the way for innovative solutions and improved access to family planning, maternal care, and fertility treatments, ultimately enhancing the well-being of individuals and communities
In today's digital age, widespread smartphone usage has positively impacted daily life, particularly with the emergence of various digital applications promoting community businesses. Harnessing these advantages, young individuals now have the potential to establish businesses through social media platforms.
In today’s digital age, widespread smartphone usage has positively impacted daily life, particularly with the emergence of various digital applications promoting community businesses. This has eliminated the need for traditional door-to-door approaches and costly printed materials. Harnessing these advantages, young individuals now have the potential to establish businesses through social media platforms.
Inspired by this digital landscape, the BEPH Department’s community service team at UGM collaborated with SME representatives from Purworejo District to guide and educate youth on digital marketing. Digital marketing, with its online focus, is preferred for its high return on investment and low costs, aiming to enhance visibility, customer access, and overall marketing effectiveness.
The youth engagement included an interactive game facilitated by Anggriyani Wahyu Pinandari, SKM., MPH, and Akto Adhi, fostering teamwork and critical thinking while connecting to the world of digital marketing. The event also addressed crucial themes: Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) aimed to educate both genders on dispelling myths and sharing facts about menstruation, while the second theme emphasized the importance of preserving local culture among the youth.
The initiative extended beyond youth training to include parenting guidance provided by Dr. Mustikaningtyas, MPH., a psychologist. Stressing the need for unique approaches to each generation’s upbringing, parents gained insights on building strong connections with their teenagers, crucial for offering support during the challenging adolescent transition.
Dr. Abdul Wahab., MPH., concluded the event by presenting door prizes, expressing hope that the enthusiasm of GERTAG youth would inspire others to partake in continuous positive activities.

GERANBAT (Great Pesantren Movement)
Countries with middle-low per capita income still face challenges in implementing Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM). Among adolescents, MHM faces obstacles due to the lack of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) facilities in schools, as well as a lack of knowledge, understanding, and awareness among teenagers about the importance of MHM.
Great Pesantren Movement (GERANBAT):
Capacity Enhancement for Menstrual Hygiene Management in Female Students’ Pesantren in Sleman Regency.
Countries with middle-low per capita income still face challenges in implementing Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM). Among adolescents, MHM faces obstacles due to the lack of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) facilities in schools, as well as a lack of knowledge, understanding, and awareness among teenagers about the importance of MHM.
In response, the community service team led by Dr. dr. Prima Dhewi Ratrikaningtyas, M.Biotech, from the BEPH Department, collaborated with Anggriyani Wahyu Pinandari., SKM., MPH.; Mustikaningtyas, S.Psi., MPH.; Octivyan U Arrisqi, S.Tr.Keb.; Annisa’ Arifatul Hikmah, SKM.; and Akto Adhi Kuntoro to implement the “Great Pesantren Movement (GERANBAT): Capacity Enhancement for Menstrual Hygiene Management in Female Students’ Pesantren in Sleman Regency.”
The community service activities were conducted at the Ibnul Qoyyim Putri pesantren in Berbah, Sleman, targeting female students. The educational content delivered to around 40 female students covered menstrual hygiene management, including various menstrual hygiene products, how to use and clean them, proper disposal, body management during menstruation, and distinguishing between menstrual myths and facts. The GERANBAT community service aimed to empower female students as peer counselors, providing training on their role in adolescence related to menstruation, as well as effective presentation and communication skills.
Through the GERANBAT community service, it is expected that female students will gain a better understanding of the importance of Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) and become peer educators. They are envisioned to be a support network and a platform for sharing accurate experiences and information related to menstrual hygiene management in pesantren settings.

Cross-Sector Coordination: Accelerating The Reduction of Stunting in The Province Through The Child Growth & Development Monitoring System
Cross-Sector Coordination Activities to Accelerate Stunting Reduction in the Province through the Child Growth and Development Monitoring System (KMS and KKA) aims to carry out cross-sector coordination regarding the acceleration of stunting reduction through the Healthy Card and Child Development Card
UU No. 52 of 2009 concerning Population Development and Family Development as the basis for implementing the Population and Family Planning Program emphasizes that BKKBN’s authority is not only limited to matters of Occupation Control and Family Planning but also concerns the Prosperous Family. Furthermore, to strengthen the Family Development program in an effort to create quality families, BKKBN in collaboration with the FK-KMK Center for Reproductive Health, Gadjah Mada University, has received priority to carry out cross-sector coordination to accelerate the reduction of stunting in the province through the Child Growth and Development Monitoring System (KMS and KKA).
The aim of cross-sector coordination activities is to accelerate the reduction of stunting in the province through the Child Growth and Development Monitoring System (KMS and KKA).
Cross-Sector Coordination for the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction in the Province through the Child Growth and Development Monitoring System (KMS and KKA), will be implemented on:
- Day/Date: Wednesday, January 31 2024,
- Time: 08.30 – finished,
- Venue: Auditorium 2, 1st Floor, FK-KMK UGM
Source Person
- The Strategic Role of Higher Education in Accelerating Stunting Reduction in DIY by Prof.dr. Siswanto Agus Wilopo, SU., M.Sc, ScD
- Strengthening Coordination and Convergence to Accelerate Stunting Reduction in DIY by Bappeda DIY
- Evaluation of the Results of the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction in DIY by the DIY Task Force Team