Center for Reproductive Health

Tingkat, Tren dan Diferensial Kematian Bayi dan Anak Serta Angka Harapan Hidup di Kabupaten Purworejo : Metode Tidak Langsung

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Author : Siswanto Agus Wilopo, Abdul Wahab, Hari Kusnanto, Harun Rusito, Lina Kurniawati
Abstract :
This study aims to examine the level, trend and determinants of infant and child mortality and the life expectancy at birth in the District of Purworejo. The study uses baseline data collected by CHN-RL Gadjah Mada University. An indirect technique was used by applying data on children ever born and children surviving according to the motber’s age and the duration of marriage to West mortality model. There were 12,648 women at reproductive ages who contributed to this measurement. The infant and child mortality show a substantial decline during the last 15 years. The 1976 IMR was around 70 per 1000 births and the 1990’s IMR was declining to around 45 per 1000 births. For the probability of dying between ages ] to 4 are 30 per 1000 children in 1976 and 13 per 1000 in 1993. A female mortality is slightly lower than male infant mortality but probability of dying between age 1 to 4 is slightly higher among male children. The life expectancy decline is a consistent with the IMR trend. It is suggested that the indirect techniques should use the duration marriage data when the mother’s age data is a defective.
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