Center for Reproductive Health


Extreme Contraceptive Method Mix in Indonesian Provinces: Contributing Factors and Consequences

By: Center for Reproductive Health and Center for Health Policy and Management
Contraceptive Method Mix usually interpreted as a measure of the extent to which women and couples have access to a wide range of contraceptive methods. Extreme skewness of methods mixes are often taken as an indication that women/couples in a given country or sub-national area are not being provided access to a wide range of contraceptive options for one reason or another. Four (4) provinces had skewed method mixes dominated by a single method (i.e., 60% or more) – Aceh, South Sumatra, West Kalimantan and NTB. It was caused by two potential factors: (1) informed choice (or lack thereof) among family planning clients and (2) service disruptions caused by stock-outs of contraceptive commodities .
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Ketimpangan distribusi method mix di Provinsi-provinsi Indonesia: Faktor kontribusi dan konsekuensinya

Oleh: Pusat Kesehatan Reproduksi dan Pusat Kebijakan dan Manajemen Kesehatan FK UGM


Metode kontrasepsi campuran biasanya diinterpretasikan sebagai suatu ukuran dari cakupan dimana wanita dan pasangan mempunyai akses terhadap berbagai macam metode kontrasepsi. Kemiringan ekstrim dari metode campuran biasa dianggap sebagai suatu indikasi bahwa wanita/pasangan pada suatu negara tertentu atau area sub-nasional tidak disediakan akses terhadap berbagai jenis pilihan kontrasepsi dikarenakan suatu alasan tertentu. Empat provinsi mempunyai metode campuran yang miring didominasi oleh satu metode (contohnya., 60% atau lebih) – Aceh, Sumatra Selatan, Kalimantan Barat, dan NTB. Hal ini disebabkan oleh dua faktor potensial : (1) informed choice (atau kurangnya informed choice) diantara klien keluarga berencana dan (2) pelayanan yang terganggu disebabkan oleh kehabisan alat kontrasepsi.
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Ketimpangan distribusi method mix di Provinsi-provinsi Indonesia: Faktor kontribusi dan konsekuensinya Read More »

Understanding “All Women” Family Planning Program Indicators in the Context of Trends in Marriage: Indonesian Case Study

By: Siswanto Wilopo, Robert Mangani
In order to emphasize the principle that all women and their partners are entitled to access to family planning and other reproductive health services, many of the FP2020 “core” indicators are being measured for all women of reproductive age (WRA) as opposed to only among married women (MWRA) as has been traditionally done. Notable among indicators affected by this refinement are the Modern Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (mCPR) and the Number of Additional Users of Modern Contraception, two of the “headline” FP2020 core indicators.
While being based upon sound human rights principles, interpreting trends in key indicators measured for all WRA can be confounded by changes in the proportion of women of reproductive age that are married (and presumably exposed to risk of pregnancy). In cases where marriage patterns in a given country are changing rapidly, it can become challenging to determine what share of observed changes in mCPR is due to changes in contraceptive
behaviors, which is the intent of the indicator, versus changes in population composition with regard to proportions WRA that are married.
Such a scenario arose recently in Indonesia when the results of the 2015 PMA2020 survey revealed a modest increase in mCPR after many years of stagnation, but at the same time a marked increase in the proportion of women of reproductive age that were married. The relevant data are shown on the table 1. As may be observed, the mCPR increased by 1.6 percentage points from 2012 to 2015 among MWRA women and 3.1 percentage points among WRA. However, the 2015 PMA2020 revealed an increase in the proportion of women of reproductive age that were married from 73% to 76%.
When this increase is taken into account, the change in mCPR among WRA that is due to changes in contraceptive behaviors falls to 1.2% (with remainder being due to the increase in the proportion of women of reproductive age that were married).
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Memahami “Semua Wanita” Indikator Program Keluaraga Berencana dalam Kontek Tren Perkawinan: Studi di Indonesia

Oleh: Siswanto Wilopo, Robert Mangani
Latar Belakang
Untuk dapat menekankan pada prinsip bahwa semua wanita dan pasangan mereka berhak atas akses kepada pelayanan keluarga berencana dan kesehatan reproduksi lainnya, banyak dari indikator “inti” FP2020 diukur untuk semua wanita usia reproduksi (WRA) dan bukan hanya wanita sudah menikah umur subur yang sebelumnya dilakukan (MWRA). Perlu dicatat beberapa indikator yang dipengaruhi oleh perubahan ini yaitu Modern Contraceptive Prevelance Rate (mCPR) dan jumlah tambahan pengguna kontrasepsi modern, dua dari “ judul utama” dari indikator inti FP2020.
Walau berdasarkan pada prinsip hak asasi manusia, interpretasi tren pada indikator kunci yang diukur untuk semua WUS dapat terpengaruh oleh perubahan pada proporsi wanita usia subur yang telah menikah (dan dianggap terekspos pada resiko kehamilan). Pada kasus dimana pola pernikahan pada suatu negara tertentu berubah secara cepat, dapat menjadi tantangan untuk menentukan seberapa bagian dari perubahan yang diamati dalam mCPR disebabkan oleh perubahan pada perilaku kontrasepsi, yang mana merupakan tujuan dari indikator, dan bukan perubahan di komposisi populasi membandingkan proporsi WUS yang telah menikah.
Skenario tersebut dapat muncul akhir-akhir ini di Indonesia ketika hasil dari survei PMA2020 tahun 2015 menunjukkan sedikit kenaikan di mCPR setelah lama stagnan, namun pada waktu yang sama ditandai mengalami kenaikan pada proporsi dari wanita usia subur yang telah menikah. Data yang relevan ditunjukkan pada tabel 1. Dapat dilihat, mCPR , meningkat 1.6 poin persentase dari 2012 ke 2015 diantara wanita yang telah menikah usia subur dan 3.1 poin persentase diantara wanita usia subur. Namun, pada PMA2020 tahun 2015 menunjukkan peningkatan pada proporsi wanita usia subur yang sudah menikah dari 73% ke 76%. Ketika kenaikan ini dipertimbangkan, perubahan pada mCPR diantara WUS yang disebabkan perubahan pada perilaku kontrasepsi turun ke 1.2% (dengan pertimbangan bahwa kenaikan disebabkan kenaikan pada proporsi wanita usia subur yang telah menikah).
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Memahami “Semua Wanita” Indikator Program Keluaraga Berencana dalam Kontek Tren Perkawinan: Studi di Indonesia Read More »

Annotated Bibliography: Selected Researches on Family Planning in Indonesia 2005-2015

Annotated Bibliography
Selected Researches on Family Planning in Indonesia 2005-2015

By Siswanto Agus Wilopo
Indonesia is well known for the success story in promoting and implementing family planning program nationally since 1970s. Prior to the introduction of the family planning programme in the 1970s, the total fertility rate (TFR) is 5.6. Over the subsequent period, the adoption of contraception along with changes in people’s perceptions regarding the ideal number of children and ideal age for marriage caused a dramatic decline in fertility levels.
During this period, the TFR declined from 5.6 in 1968 down to 2.6 births per woman in 2012, or a drop of around 50%, while the contraceptive prevalence increased from miniscule to 61.9 percent. As the family planning programme expands various studies, best practices and literatures are developed by various institutions including government institutions, research institutions, academicians, development partners and individual researchers.
The main objective of compilation and development of this annotated bibliography of
family planning is to document the recent studies and best practices in Indonesia during the period of ten years, from 2005 to 2015. The majority of the studies and best practices are those accepted for oral or poster presentations at the International Conference on Family Planning, Nusa Dua, Bali, 25-28 January 2016. All of these studies and best practices are compiled into one cohesive annotated bibliography. It is expected that this document serve as a reference for researchers and programme managers from various sectors within the Government of Indonesia, as well as international community.
This Selected Researches on Family Planning in Indonesia 2005-2015: an Annotated Bibliography is produced by the National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) of Indonesia in collaboration with National Sub-Commitee of Scientific of the International Conference on Family Planning 2016, UNFPA and USAID. The papers contain useful information that will enrich the understanding of the family planning trends and issues in Indonesia. However, I would like to note that the opinions, findings and recommendations contained within the studies are solely the views of each individual researcher/writer, and may not necessarily reflect the views or policies of BKKBN, UNFPA and USAID.
I extend the appreciation and unbounded thanks to UNFPA Indonesia and USAID for their support. Similarly to the team of writers and all parties for their assistance in preparing this publication. May this publication motivate our courage and efforts to develop the better program in the future for Indonesia, as well as colleagues from various countries and development partners to get more useful information.
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By Siswanto Agus Wilopo, Paul Kilgore, Soewarta Kosen, Yati Soenarto, Muchamad Syururi, Aminah, Cahyono, Maria Ulfa and Abu Tholib
Rotavirus (RV) is one of the most common causes of acute dehydrating diarrhea in young children in developed and developing countries1 2. In 2006, RV was estimated to cause 610,000 deaths annually in children younger than 5 years of age. For this age group, RV is also responsible for 2.4 million hospitalizations, 24 million clinic visits, and 114 million episodes of gastroenteritis requiring home care3. By age 5, nearly every child will have an episode of RV gastroenteritis, 1 in 5 will visit a clinic for treatment, 1 in 65 will be hospitalized, and about 1 in 293 will die. RV mortality occurs primarily in the poorest countries where 82 percent of RV deaths occur.
In Indonesia, diarrheal diseases continue to be a significant of public health problem for three reasons. First, the prevalence of diarrhea morbidity did not change significantly in recent decades. Second, it continues to be a third-order cause of death among children <5 years old , and third, RV diarrhea is a significant cause of pediatric hospitalizations 7-12. This hospitalization causes an economic burden, which results a significant impact to the poor families in Indonesia. However, precise estimates of RV-related morbidity are difficult to obtain from routine hospital data because stool samples from children with diarrhea are not routinely tested. Only limited data are available for laboratory-confirmed cases of RV associated
gastroenteritis. It is because a specific diagnosis of RV infection is rarely done at a
hospital on cost grounds and because diagnosis does not alter treatment or outcome. No national reporting system is established, underlining the need for RV surveillance in Indonesia.
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Risk Factors of Elevated Blood Pressure In Purworejo, Central Java Province, Indonesia: Preliminary Study

Author: Nawi Ng
Abstract :
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) have become the main cause of death in both developed and developing countries. The incidence of cardiovascular disease in developed countries has declined recently, partly because of improved knowledge on risk factors of CVDs which direct to preventive measure. On te other hand, developing countries still suffer from the double burden of both communicable and non-communicable diseases, especially cardiovascular disease. Many life-style related risk factors, such as hypertension, obesity, smoking, hypercholesterolemia, and lack of activity have been reported to increase the morbidity and mortality of cardiovascular disease. However, epidemiological study on these risk factors is rarely done Indonesia despite its important contribution.
Aim: To get general picture of CVDs risk factors in Purworejo District, Central Java Province, Indonesia.
Subject and Method: Data was taken from a ongoing surveillance in CHN-RL (Community Health and Nutrition Research Laboratory) research area in Purworejo district 2000 out of 31000 individuals over 35 years old were chosen. Sample was drawn randomly based on computer generated random numbers. Demographic data and data on smoking were collected using questionnaires. Blood pressure and anthropometric measurements such as body weight, body height, waist circumference, and hip circumference were performed by trained surveyor. Blood pressure above 140/90 mgHg were categorised as elevated blood pressure.
Result and Discussion: A higher proportion of elevation blood pressure was noted in women (38.5) compared to men (32.1%). Female tended to have higher blood pressure measurements. Overweight and obesity (body mass index (BMI) >= 25) was more common among women. Correlated with WHR (r=0.44, p<0.000). Smoking was common practice in men (54%) and only one hundredth in women. Smokers have lower systolic blood pressure compared to non-smoker, and heavy smoker groups had lower blood pressure reading. Obesity indices were weakly correlated (r=25 (OR=2.66, CI=1.22-5.77) and obesity based on waist circumference (OR=3.22, CI=2.22-4.69) increased the risk of elevated blood pressure. Elderly has 5.83 times (CI=4.41-7.70) risk of elevated blood pressure compared to 35-44 years old individuals.
Conclusion: Elevated blood pressure and obesity prevalence was high in research area. Females are more inclined to elevated blood pressure and obesity, but the smoking habit favours the women. The risk of elevated blood pressure increases with BMI and obesity indices. However, smoking does not appear to increase the risk of elevated blood pressure. Waist circumference can be used along with BMI and it can provide information about central obesity, which is more related to the risk of disease.

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Nutritional And Reproductive Health In Central Java, Indonesia An Epidemiological Approach

Author: Detty Siti Nurdiati
Abstract :
Background: Indonesian maternal mortality rate is still high. Poor nutritional status of women is considered one of the major factors which contribute to the existing high rates of maternal mortality. However, the nutritional issues of women themselves are rarely investigated.
OBJECTIVES: To estimate and characterise the nutritional status in non-pregnant women as reflected by anthropometry and to explore the possible associations between reproductive, demographic and socio-economic factors and nutritional status.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out to estimate nutritional status among non-pregnant women of reproductive age in the Community Health and Nutrition Research Laboratory (CHN-RL) surveillance area, in the Purworejo district, Central Java, Indonesia. A sample of approximately 13.000 households was selected using the probability proportional to estimated size. The data on socio-economic, demographic and reproductive factors were taken from surveillance data collected in August – October 1995. The collection of anthropometric data including weight, height, mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) and triceps skinfold thickness on non-pregnant women took place between January – March 1996. The quality of data collection was monitored by a checking system.
RESULTS: Married women defined as being at risk of becoming pregnant were available for this study (n=8442) and 69.7% of these eligible women were included in the analyses (n=5817). The mean weight of the women in the study sample was 47.8 7.9 kg, mean height was 149.1 5.1 cm, mean MUAC was 25.8 2.9 cm, mean triceps skinfold thickness was 15.0 6.3 mm and mean body mass index (BMI) was 21.2 3.1. The BMI of the study sample was compared with the classification for chronic energy deficiency (CED) and obesity among adults (James et al., 1988; WHO, 1995). The total prevalence of CED was 17.0%. Further, CED grades III, II, I, normal, Obese I and Obese II were found among 1.2, 3.0, 12.8, 71.7, 10.0 and 1.4% of the women, respectively. Multivariate regression models that controlled for possible associated factors showed that occcupation was a significant factor which influenced the nutritional status of the women. The women working with agriculture or domestically were 40-48% more likely to be CED. Women with better economic status, as shown by the availability of drinking water, television and refrigerator ownership had better nutritional status. We found that status of using contraceptive methods was related to nutritional status. In multivariate analyses parity and family size were not significantly related with CED. However in univariate analyses these factors were significant; it could be that those are related to the background factors.
CONCLUSION: The results of this study suggest that 17% of non-pregnant women of reproductive age had CED, that 71.7% were normal and that 11.4% were obese. The major reasons for malnutrition, i.e., limited resources and poor socio-economic status of the population, need to be addressed to improve nutritional status of girls and women prior to and subsequent to pregnancy. Continuing research in the area of preconception nutrition is needed to ensure better health status and pregnancy outcomes. A more detailed understanding of the socio-economic determinants of malnutrition among women could help improve interventions.

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Pengaruh Penggunaan Kontrasepsi Hormonal Pil terhadap Pemberian ASI dan Durasi Amenore Postpartum

Author : Trianawati
Pembimbing 1/2 : Prof.dr. Siswanto Agus Wilopo, SU,MSc.Sc/dr. Citra Indriati, MPH.
Penguji : dr. Lutfan Lazuardi, MKes,PhD.
Abstract :
Background: Lactation Amenorrhea Method (LAM) tend to increase birth spacing. Exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia, 15.3% an effect on resumption of ovulation is quicker and the duration of postpartum amenorrhea is shorter, so we need additional contraception is safe for breastfeeding women. Progestin Only Pills (POP) are better choice, beside prolonged the duration of lactation amenorrhea. POP in generic as lynestrenol and levonorgestrel expected can produced in Indonesia cheaper cost and be nationaly family planning programme.
Objective: To identify effect of lynestrenol pill contraception and levonorgestrel (LNG) to breastfed quality, lactation and the duration of postpartum amenorrhea. Method: The study was a mixed randomized clinical trial with parallel design. Subject of the study were mothers that breastfed for 6 months after postpartum, 20-35 years old, pill family planning and pill non contraindication. Sample size was based on Log rank test median survival time and incidence rate drop out between hormonal and non hormonal contraception, divided into three groups with total samples of 107 respondents. Subjects were observed within 6 months, evaluated every month. Data analysis used chi square, oneway anova, survival analysis Kaplan-Meier method, log rank test and cox proportional hazard model. Result: Use of LNG pill contraception HR=1.46(95%CI=0.67-3.18) and lynestrenol pill HR=0.85(95%CI=0.37-1.97), lactation HR=1.23(95%CI=0.66- 2.31), casein HR=0.83(95%CI=0.38-1.82), lactose HR=0.87(95%CI=0.66-1.15), lipid HR=0.80(95%CI=0.62-1.04) and calcium HR=1.0(95%CI=0.98-1.02) were insignificant to the duration of postpartum amenorrhea than non hormonal contraception.
Conclusion: There is clinical effect duration of postpartum amenorrhea and duration of breastfeeding between use of lynestrenol pill and levonorgestrel pill than non hormonal contraception. There is clinical effect duration of postpartum amenorrhea to breastfed quality and lactation.

Latar Belakang: Metode Amenore Laktasi (MAL) penting dalam mengatur jarak kelahiran. Rendahnya cakupan ASI eksklusif di Indonesia (15.3%) terkait dengan kembalinya ovulasi lebih cepat dan durasi amenore postpartum lebih singkat, sehingga ibu postpartum perlu metode kontrasepsi lain yang aman selama menyusui. Progestin Only Pills (POP) merupakan pilihan yang tepat, disamping dapat memperpanjang amenore laktasi postpartum. Dengan demikian POP dalam bentuk generik lynestrenol dan levonorgestrel diharapkan dapat diproduksi di Indonesia dengan harga terjangkau dan menjadi program KB nasional.
Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh kontrasepsi pil lynestrenol dan LNG terhadap kualitas dan pemberian ASI serta durasi amenore pospartum. Metode: Jenis penelitian menggunakan mixed randomized clinical trial rancangan paralel. Subjek penelitian adalah ibu 6 minggu postpartum dan menyusui, usia 20-35 tahun, ingin KB pil dan tidak kontraindikasi pil. Besar sampel menggunakan logrank test median survival time dan incidence rate drop out antara KB hormonal dan non hormonal, dibagi 3 kelompok dengan sampel 107 responden. Subjek diikuti sampai 6 bulan ke depan, dievaluasi setiap bulannya. Analisis menggunakan Chi Square, Oneway Anova, Survival Analysis metode Kaplan-Meier, Log-rank test dan Cox proportional hazard model. Hasil: Penggunaan pil LNG HR=1.46(95%CI=0.67-3.18) dan pil lynestrenol HR=0.85(95%CI=0.37-1.97), status pemberian ASI HR=1.23(95%CI=0.66-2.31), kadar kasein HR=0.83(95%CI=0.38-1.82), laktosa HR=0.87(95%CI=0.66-1.15), lemak HR=0.80(95%CI=0.62-1.04) dan kalsium HR=1.0(95%CI=0.98-1.02) tidak memperpanjang durasi amenore postpartum dibanding non hormonal/IUD.
Kesimpulan: Ada perbedaan klinis durasi amenore postpartum dan durasi pemberian ASI saja antara pengguna pil LNG dan lynestrenol dibandingkan non hormonal/IUD. Ada perbedaan klinis durasi amenore postpartum berdasarkan kualitas dan pemberian ASI.

Electronic Theses

Pengaruh Penggunaan Kontrasepsi Hormonal Pil terhadap Pemberian ASI dan Durasi Amenore Postpartum Read More »

Pengaruh Penggunaan Kontrasepsi Hormonal (PIL) terhadap Pertumbuhan Bayi pada Periode 6 Bulan Pertama (Umur 0-6 Bulan)

Author : Sri Mujianto
Pembimbing 1/2 : Prof.dr. Siswanto Agus Wilopo, SU,MSc.Sc/Prof.dr. Djauhar Ismail, SpA(K),MPH,PhD.
Penguji : Prof.Dr.dr. Soebijanto
Abstract :
Background: Giving too early complementary feeding effect on the duration of amenorrhea during lactation so that the resumption of postpartum ovulation sooner. Lactation Amenorrhea Method was no longer effective and secure, so be required an effective postpartum contraception and did not interfere the quality of breast milk and infant growth. Objective: To determine the influence of hormonal contraceptive (pills) use on the infants growth in the first 6 months period. Research methods: The non-randomized controlled trials and longitudinal research. Subjects were 6-8 weeks postpartum mothers, 20-35 years old and still breastfeeding. Total sample: 90 respondents, divided into 2 groups, the intervention group and control group. The place of study was in Sleman and Yogyakarta city. Bivariable analysis was using Chi Square, t-test and linear regression. Multivariable analysis was using Linear Regression. Results: Multivariable analysis showed that women taking hormonal contraceptives (pills), the changes in infant’s body weight and body length was 115,96 g higher (R2 = 0,1996% CI = -320,35-552,27) and 0,03 cm lower (R2 = 0,4179 95% CI = -1,04-0,97) than the non-hormonal contraception. Other factors were the variable quality of the milk, the breast milk quantity, breastfeeding status, disease in infants, babies parenting and social insurance/maternity insurance (Jamkesmas /Jampersal) membership. Conclusion: The use of hormonal contraceptives (pills) did not affect the infant’s growth in the first 6 months period.

Latar belakang: ASI merupakan makanan paling ideal baik secara fisiologis maupun biologis untuk bayi diawal kehidupannya. Pemberian MP-ASI terlalu dini berpengaruh pada lamanya amenorrhea selama laktasi sehingga kembalinya ovulasi pasca melahirkan semakin cepat. Lactation Amenorrhea Method tidak lagi efektif dan aman sehingga diperlukan kontrasepsi postpartum yang efektif, aman dan tidak mengganggu kualitas ASI maupun pertumbuhan bayi.
Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal (pil) terhadap pertumbuhan bayi periode 6 bulan pertama (0-6 bulan). Metode penelitian: Jenis penelitian adalah non randomized controlled trial dan bersifat longitudinal (diikuti selama 6 bulan). Subjek adalah ibu postpartum 6-8 minggu, usia 20-35 tahun dan masih menyusui. Jumlah sampel 90 responden dan dibagi 2 kelompok, kelompok intervensi (diberi pil) dan kelompok kontrol (aseptor IUD). Tempat penelitian di wilayah Kabupaten Sleman dan Kota Yogyakarta. Analisis bivariabel menggunakan Chi Square, t test dan regresi linier. Analisis multivariabel menggunakan Regresi Linier. Pada analisis, variabel umur bayi secara polinomial, berat badan lahir, jenis kelamin dimasukkan sebagai kontrol tetap.
Hasil penelitian: Analisis multivariabel menunjukkan wanita pengguna kontrasepsi hormonal (pil), perubahan berat badan dan panjang badan bayi lebih tinggi 115,96 gram (R2=0,1996% CI=-320,35-552,27) dan lebih rendah 0,03 cm (R2=0,4179 95% CI=-1,04-0,97) dibandingkan yang non-hormonal. Faktor lain yang diperhitungkan variabel kualitas ASI (kadar kasein), kuantitas ASI, status pemberian ASI, penyakit pada bayi, pola asuh bayi dan kepesertaan jamkesmas/jampersal. Kesimpulan: Penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal (pil) tidak mempengaruhi pertumbuhan bayi (berat badan dan panjang badan bayi) pada periode 6 bulan pertama (0-6 bulan)
Electronic Theses

Pengaruh Penggunaan Kontrasepsi Hormonal (PIL) terhadap Pertumbuhan Bayi pada Periode 6 Bulan Pertama (Umur 0-6 Bulan) Read More »